Tuesday 20 January 2015

Respect in Referring to the Rasul ﷺ

Bismi llāh, wa l-ḥamdu lillāh, wa ṣ-ṣalātu wa s-salāmu ‘alā rasūli llāh, wa ‘alā ālihī wa ṣaḥbihī wa man wālāh

Whenever Allah mentions Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the Qur’ān, He always addresses him with a title. E.g. al-Nabiyy, al-Rasūl.  He only refers to him using his name when necessary to do so (e.g. "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"). Such is how Allah respected and honoured the Prophet ﷺ. So did the Saḥābah and those who followed in their footsteps (Allah be pleased with them).

So when we speak about the Prophet ﷺ, we shouldn't refer to him as simply "Muhammad". Refer to him as "Rasūl Allāh", "al-Nabiyy", "Prophet Muhammad", etc. Yes, he was just a man. But he wasn't any ordinary man. He was the best man to be brought into existence. He was the best of all creation. And he is the one most beloved to the Lord of all Creation. And we ought to respect him as such.

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him for as long as the winds continue to blow and the rivers continue to flow.

Friday 2 January 2015

In sha’ Allah…

Bismi llāh, wa l-ḥamdu lillāh, wa ṣ-ṣalātu wa s-salāmu ‘alā rasūli llāh, wa ‘alā ālihī wa ṣaḥbihī wa man wālāh

In shā’ Allāh. Perhaps the most abused Islamic phrase in use. Saying "yes, in shā’ Allāh" should not be a cover for "no, I probably won't do it." Rather, when you affirm you'll do something and then say "in shā’ Allāh", what you should have in mind is "yes, I will definitely do it unless Allah wills for a genuine reason to arise such that I really can't do it (e.g. death, accident)".

Beware of misusing the phrases of Islam.

And Allah knows best.