Monday 11 January 2016

"Why Are You Muslim?" – Part II

Bismi llāh, wa l-ḥamdu lillāh, wa ṣ-ṣalātu wa s-salāmu ‘alā rasūli llāh, sayyidinā Muḥammadini bni ‘Abdi llāh, wa ‘alā ālihī wa ṣaḥbihī wa man wālāh. Ammā ba‘d:

This part deals with proving the Qur’ān to be the Word of God and thus the truthfulness of Prophet Muḥammad's (ﷺ) claim to prophethood. (Note that some of the below is copy-paste; I've placed a reference list at the bottom of sources from where I've done this. I may try properly tracing back each quote to its source another time in shā’ Allāh.)

Going Back a Bit

Previously, we proved God's existence: that He definitely exists, He is One and Only, and that He is beyond all need and limitation. But since He created us, does He demand anything from us? Or did He create us purposelessly? To answer this, one would analyse the claims of all religions that call to belief in one god and see if they hold merit. If none of them do, then it could be that God doesn't demand anything from us. Or is it?

With most religions that call to one god, their claims to one god are flawed. They are all unable come up with sufficient proof to back up their claims as being the "true religion". From Christianity (with its unsound approach to "one" god) to Sikhism (which has no idea how to prove that its teachings indeed came from God – pretty much like every other religion), none are able to rationally prove the correctness of their religions.

Except Islam that is.